Christian Living

When You Don’t Know What to Do Next

Life can be quite unpredictable. There are some seasons when you have everything figured out and can make plans for the next five years. But then there are some seasons when don’t know what to do and can’t even picture the next five months.

Have you ever been in such seasons?

Maybe God called you to do something new, but He hasn’t shown you the next steps.

Maybe your dreams were broken, plans unexpectedly changed, and now you don’t know how to proceed.

Or maybe you are like me and have been stuck in the same situation for a while. You have done everything you could think of, including fasting and praying, but nothing is happening.

Regardless of the root cause, we all fall into these muddy uncertain seasons. I am currently going through one, and I do not know what to do with my life. I don’t know where to work or where to live. No matter which direction I look, I can’t see a way forward.

It’s like I’m stuck in a hallway and can’t make any progress because every door is closed.  This uncertainty and confusion often make me feel discouraged and depressed. But I hold on to the truth that Jesus hasn’t abandoned me and is still control.

Even though I don’t know where I am going, I know the One who is guiding me, and He is trustworthy.

As I have been going through this season, I have learned these three simple things to do when you don’t know what to do next.

 a man sitting on the ground, heads in his hands, don't know what to do next
a man on a beach. don't know what to do next

1. Do the last thing God “told” you to do

We often like to ask God for the next thing or to give us a new mission. But are we doing the last thing He called us to do?  If God doesn’t tell you what to do next, perhaps it’s because He has already “told” you to do something else. And He either wants you to start doing it or to keep on doing it.

If you are unsure of what God wants you to do last, read His Word and you will find His instructions for your life. Also, ask Him in prayer, He always gives us wisdom when we pray for it (James 1:5).

SEE ALSO:  Turned

If His last instruction doesn’t seem to make sense do it anyway; just like Peter in Luke 5. After Peter fished all night and caught nothing, Jesus told him to try again. It didn’t make sense because the sun was up, and the fish would be even harder to find. Nevertheless, he obeyed and caught so much fish that the boat began to sink.

God’s last instruction for me didn’t make sense either; it was to start a blog. Here I am asking God to help me find work in engineering, and I feel He is calling me to write.

But when God calls you to do something, it’s for a good reason. So, if you are in doubt about what to do, persevere in the last thing He “told” you to do. No matter how small, unimportant, or even nonsensical it may look, just do it.

2. Rest in the Lord

A season of uncertainty could be a call for you to rest. We are continually searching for the next thing, and trying to make things happen that we often forget we also need to rest.

So, when you don’t know what to do; rest it in the Lord.

Cease striving, stop trying to make things happen; but be still, and know your God. Trust that He is in control, and depend on Him wholly.

When I think of rest, I think of Elijah the prophet in 1 Kings 19. He was on the run for his life and was so weary and overwhelmed that he asked God to kill him. But God in His mercy sent an angel to minister to him. Elijah was able to eat, drink, and sleep. And after he rested well, God sent him back to work.

Likewise, God may also be calling you to rest in Him before sending you off to work again.

Rest has been the hardest for me. I like to plan, find solutions, and make things happen. Waiting without any course of action nearly drove me crazy at some point. But I have now learned to embrace rest and stop trying to figure everything out. Rather than being restless, I am trying to surrender to God’s will, sleep in the storm and trust that He won’t let me drown.

3. Do not worry

When life is uncertain, and you don’t know what’s coming next, it’s easy to give in to stress and anxiety. But resist the temptation! Do as Jesus said in Matthew 6:34, “do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

SEE ALSO:  The Testing of my Faith: Loneliness

Worrying won’t help, it will only rob your peace. And, Jesus commands us not to do it. To keep from worrying, I try to take one day at a time. I only focus on what I can do today and trust that God has my tomorrow in His hands.

And if that fails, another effective way to fight anxiety is through prayer. For the Word says to cast our worries on to Him and to pray about everything.

So, don’t worry, keep seeking God and worshipping Him, everything else will eventually fall into place.

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand.

Psalm 37:23-24

When plodding through a dark valley, remember Jesus is the light. As long as we follow Him, we will never be lost. He is always in control and leading the way even though we may not see Him.

When you don’t understand what He is doing, trust His faithfulness and goodness.

When you don’t know what to do next, don’t despair. Do the last thing God told you to do, rest in Him, and do not worry. Continue to worship Him, to thank Him, and patiently wait on Him.

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  Grace and peace 
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1 year ago

Hello, I am an international student in Canada and I have been here for a year and I struggled finding employment that would sustain me for 8 months while struggling with the fact that I don’t want to do flight training anymore which is my field. I did get a job that I could live on but I have back problems so after a few months my boss had to let me go because it wasn’t getting better and my parents can’t support me now. They are also struggling with work, it suddenly got hard for them. I am unsure… Read more »

1 year ago

I’m in the exact same situation now. I don’t think this is a coincidence. I’ve been looking for a computer engineering job for over 2 years now with no success.

It’s made me question whether this is what God wants me to be doing. I’ve been seeking Him so much nowadays but haven’t had a clear answer of what to do now. This has been the hardest season of my life, nothing is harder than sitting around realizing that you have no control over your life. God has to direct my steps and I pray for His direction soon.

1 year ago

I don’t understand what to do in my day-to-day while “resting in the Lord”? I am (or was) a video editor but have been without work for 9 months now. I do menial work as I literally cannot even pay rent if it wasn’t for my sister. EVERYTHING I have tried has failed- fasting, praying, repenting, worshipping, networking, job applications, sending out CVs… So, if you rest in the Lord (stop striving), what does one do during the day?

1 year ago
Reply to  Audrey

Hi Frank, I’m sorry you’re going through this but when you’ve done all you know to do, be still and trust The Lord. I know it’s frustrating but God hasn’t forgotten you. Also, thank God for your sister who can help you with rent. God sees you please don’t give up.

1 year ago

Thanks for the message, I relate with it, am waitingfortheLord too. Give us the next phase of your life, what has God done so far?

1 year ago

There are several things that I’ve been considering recently. The very last thing I remember being told while reading the Bible one morning was, “Start The Blog.” I even questioned if it was God’s voice for a while. Before that in 2016, I remember Him telling me to find a customer service job and to stop smoking. I found a customer service oriented gig and stopped smoking for two years. But then fell back into the smoking habit after being triggered by someone that I was helping. Thank you for sharing this message. I always knew in my heart that… Read more »

2 years ago

Lord Jesus 5hanjs for this message! I am in a season of waiting. My mom is in hospice care and she desire to return back home instead of a nursing home. I am and have been the primary caregiver for my mom over the past 5 years. I have no support from my family! I don’t want to see my mom go to a nursing home, she still have her 1 bedroom apartment. It would be an ideal situation for her to resume hospice care in the comfort of her home, but will require 24 continuous care. Mom will have… Read more »

4 years ago

Thank you, Carey, for such an amazing blog. I am in a season of unknown right now and my family and I could use lots of prayers. Last Wednesday my dad got in an accident and totaled the family minivan. Then on Sunday night at 11 o’ clock a person used our yard and 3/4 of our neighbor’s flower beds as a fifth lane. They ran into my dad’s car pushing it 5-6 feet into the rental car. They got away and have not been found. The waiting comes in trying to find a van. We live in Spokane, WA… Read more »

5 years ago

Oh, friend, you are doing exactly what you should while you wait for the next step. I have definitely been there – the waiting and not knowing as well as the clear path. It may be He is trying to get someone else to go through the door He has opened to them to pave the way for your next step and that crazy other person isn’t obeying. lol Seriously, though, I am going to add you to my prayer list now to be praying for the Lord to give you guidance, comfort, and peace as you wait. 💕

5 years ago
Reply to  Audrey


Jessy George
5 years ago

Love this verse – The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand. Psalm 37:23-24.

I believe that my steps are ordered by the Lord.

5 years ago

Oh, how I needed to hear this! I resonate so deeply with being in an uncertain time in my life and not knowing what to do next. In the past several years, I’ve cut ties with most everyone I’ve ever known ( as I grew up in a dysfunctional family amidst an oppressive religious system. ) I’m slowly healing from years of trauma and abuse and discovering there is a whole other world out there that I knew nothing about! Now it’s unlearning everything I once knew and replacing it with the Truth of who God really is and believing… Read more »

Wendy @ One Exceptional Life
Reply to  Audrey

Thank you, Carey, for such a great reminder. I need to rest in God’s faithfulness and truly not worry for tomorrow because God knows what my worries are and He has a plan for pulling it all together in His way and in His time. Great post!

5 years ago

I’m in one of those seasons right now. Thank you for the post. I will try to be mindful of this advice. 🙂


Welcome to my blog! My name is Audrey, I am a sojourner and slave of Christ.

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