In 1956, five young American men went into the jungles of Ecuador to share the gospel with a primitive tribe called Auca or Waorani. These young men were passionate about God and had a burning desire to share the good news with this unreached tribe. So despite the danger—for the Auca were known for killing strangers—Jim Elliot, Peter Fleming, Ed McCully, Nate Saint, and Roger Youderian went to the Auca camp to establish contact.
But a few days later, they were savagely speared to death by the Aucas leaving behind widows and children.
In Through Gates of Splendor, Elisabeth Elliot, wife of Jim Elliot, shares the story of these brave young men. Drawing primarily from letters, notes, journal entries, and personal knowledge, Elisabeth shares how these men came to know the Lord, recognized their call to the mission field, felt led to Ecuador, and why they became part of operation Auca.
The one thing that united these men more than anything else was their unwavering obedience and devotion to Christ. Their journals and letters revealed they were more than willing to give up their lives for the sake of the gospel. And this book shows how they stayed true to their words.
Through Gates of Splendor is one of a handful of books that have truly affected my life. By the time I finished reading this book, I was in a mess. Many emotions ran through my mind simultaneously: awe, inspiration, sadness, joy, etc. But one thing was crystal clear in my muddled brain: Yahweh is an awesome God; following Him will cost us everything, but He is infinitely worthy.
These five missionaries and their wives’ total devotion to the Lord greatly inspired me. They didn’t seek fame or fortune, not even a tranquil life. All they wanted was to live for Christ. They were willing to sacrifice much for the sake of the gospel and they put nothing before Christ. Not their marriage, children, or even lives. Instead, they joyfully submitted it to the Lord, and like their beloved Master, they laid it down for their brethren. They truly understood what Paul meant when he said living is Christ and dying is gain.
This quote says it all, “each of us knew when we married our husbands that there would never be any question about who came first—Christ and His work held first place in each life. It was the condition of true discipleship.”
But this book is not only about the brave faith of these young men. It tells a grander story of a sovereign God who works all things for His glory and the good of those who love and obey Him. Though this story ends tragically, it is a triumphant story. The death of these young men was a seed that God used to spread the gospel far further than they ever dreamed. Upon reading the epilogue, I could only be in awe at the God who could write such a story.
The story of Through Gates of Splendor blessed me in more ways than I can put in words. It reminded me of the cost of following Christ and inspired me to surrender my life despite the cost. Jesus is worth living for, and He is worth dying for. As Jim Elliot said, he truly is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.
I highly highly highly recommend this book; it is a must-read for all believers. What a blessing!
“We rest on Thee, our Shield, and our Defender.
Thine is the battle, Thine shall be the praise;
When passing through the gates of pearly splendor,
Victors, we rest with Thee, through endless days.”