
The Gods We Make

I have been thinking a lot about false teachers since I watched the documentary American Gospel: Christ Alone. Before that, I never knew they were false teachers plaguing the church. I naively assumed anyone who called himself a pastor was qualified. This assumption is probably a result of my Catholic upbringing; a man cannot become a priest without being vetted and approved by the Roman Catholic church.

At first, I thought that people under false teachings were helpless victims who got deceived by evil false teachers. It bothered me a lot that God would allow His children to get deceived like that. But I am now learning that they are not all victims; some are accomplices, instigators even.

2 Timothy 4:3-4 says, “they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their passions and will turn away from the truth.” These people voluntary turned aside from the truth because it didn’t match their desires and tickle their ears. And while they are some who are being deceived, the majority are not. They know what they want, and it isn’t God’s truth. Therefore, they search for teachers who will say what they want to hear.

For example:

Some people want a God who promises them to be happy and prosperous. They don’t want a God who will allow them to suffer but will give them their best life now. And so, they seek prosperity preachers that will preach them what they want.

Some people want a God who will always heal them; they don’t want a God who manifests His strength in their weakness but display His power in the deliverance of their troubles. And so, they seek faith healers that will preach them what they want.

Some people want a God of tolerance. They want a God who is love but not holy. They want a God who loves them unconditionally, so they don’t have to repent from their sins. So, they seek tolerant preachers who will preach them what they want.

Some people want a God who is all about them and exist to serve them. They don’t want a God who is for His glory alone. And so, they seek teachers who make the Bible about them, and who preach man-centered sermons in which their god is a supporting character.

Some people want a goosebumps God who mostly deals in the supernatural. For them, the just shall live by faith plus signs and wonders. They reject Sola Scriptura and want other supernatural ways to hear and know God. And so, they seek teachers who will give them an emotional and mystic experience.

And the list goes on.

By adding or removing God’s attributes to suit their tastes, many Christians have repeated the folly of the Israelites and created new golden calves. But these modern-day golden calves are more dangerous because they bear a lot of resemblance to the true God and deceive many.

I couldn’t believe some pastors were false teachers because they preached about a god so similar to the true God. Not to mention their devotion and mission to share the gospel. But sadly, they don’t love the true God nor preach the true gospel. Even ninety-nine percent of the truth is still false.

Paul Washer said false teachers are God’s judgment on them for not wanting Him. Though false teachers may use seductive words and exploit people to make money (2 Peter 2:3), both parties want the same thing: a different God and a different gospel.

Consequently, God abandons them to their desires (Romans 1: 24-25). He did it with the children of Israel after they rebelled and refused to enter the promised land (Numbers 14:23), and again when they rejected God’s rule and demanded a new king (1 Samuel 8:7). For those who seek a different God, He raises a false teacher.

Paul Washer’s statement helped clear some confusion I had over false teachers. Primarily why God seems to approve of them?

For example, there is an up and coming pastor whose church is growing massively. People travel from all over the world to hear him preach, and God has been providing for that church in amazing ways. Ostensibly, it’s like God’s favor is on them. But God couldn’t possibly be in support of the man-centered gospel preached every Sunday, of women having authority over men and teaching them, and some unbiblical teachings and heresy going on there.

But I realize now that when God is making supernatural moves, it’s not necessarily an indication of His favor. I learned that from the parting of the red sea, and the different implications for the two groups who witnessed it. For the Israelites, it was an act of favor through which they found freedom. But for the Egyptians, it was an act of judgment in which they found death.

So, when we hear of a new pastor or church making waves, it would be best not to assume it’s a sign of God’s approval or favor. It could very well be part of His judgment for people who have made other gods and rejected Him.

  Grace and peace to you!
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