Christian Living

The 58 Books I read in 2023

2023 was another wonderful year, thanks to God. Reading-wise, I read nine more books than last year but still fell short of my initial goal of 60. But as always, I have been blessed by the many books I have managed to read. And here is my complete 2023 reading list with links to my reviews, if available. You can find my ten favorites here.

Non- Fiction


  1. Heaven is a World of Love – Jonathan Edwards
  2. Enjoying God in Everything – Steve DeWitt
  3. Lessons from the Upper Room – Sinclair Ferguson
  4. The Seven Sayings of the Savior on the Cross – Arthur W. Pink
  5. The Prodigal God – Tim Keller
  6. Show Me Your Glory – Steven Lawson
  7. The Character of Christ – Jonathan Landry Cruse
  8. Finding Assurance with Thomas Godwin – Andrew Ballitch
  9. God the Artist – Morgan McCarver

Christian Living

  1. Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life – Donald Whitney
  2. The Pursuit of Holiness – Jerry Bridges
  3. Dating with Discernment – Sam Andreades
  4. The Wolf in Their Pockets – Chris Martin
  5. The True Christian’s Love to the Unseen Christ – Thomas Vincent
  6. Eve in Exile – Rebekah Markle
  7. The Hole in our Holiness – Kevin DeYoung
  8. Impossible Christianity – Kevin DeYoung
  9. Memorizing Scripture – Glenna Marshall
  10. Biblically Responsible Investing – Robert Netzly
  11. When God is Silent – John Koessler
  12. Serve – Steve Robinson
  13. A Cover for Glory – Dale Partridge
  14. The Practice of Godliness – Jerry Bridges
  15. The Christian Manifesto – Alistair Begg


  1. Love Thy Body – Nancy Pearcey
  2. The Toxic War on Masculinity – Nancy Pearcey
  3. Celebrities for Jesus – Katelyn Beaty
  4. Five Lies of our Anti-Christian Age – Rosaria Butterfield
  5. Counterfeit Kingdom – Holly Pivec & R.Douglas Geivett
  6. A Field Guide of False Teaching – Ligonier Ministries
SEE ALSO:  My Reading Goals For 2020


  1. Not a Tame Lion – Terry Glaspey
  2. 5 Puritan Women – Jenny-Lyn de Klerk
  3. Elisabeth Elliot: A Life – Lucy S.R Austen
  4. Being Elisabeth Elliot – Ellen Vaughn

Church History

  1. How Christianity Transformed the World – Sharon James
  2. Creating the Canon – Benjamin Laird


  1. Truly Truly I Say to You – Adam Ramsey
  2. Bread of Life – Abigail Dodds
  3. The Advent of Glory – R.C. Sproul
  4. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel – Jonathan Gibson
  5. Winter Fire – Ryan Whitaker Smith

Non-Christian Books

  1. The Great Reset – Glenn Beck
  2. Show Your Work – Austin Kleon
  3. Steal like an Artist – Austin Kleon
  4. Millionaire Teacher – Andrew Hallam
  5. I Will Teach You to Be Rich – Ramit Sethi
  6. The PARA Method – Tiago Forte
  7. On Writing – Stephen King
  8. Hide Your Children – Liz Wheeler



  1. Bands of Mourning – Brandon Sanderson (reread)
  2. The Lost Metal – Brandon Sanderson
  3. Defiant – Brandon Sanderson


  1. Brave New World – Aldous Huxley


  1. Wuthering Heights – Emily Bronte
  2. Jane Eyre – Charlotte Bronte (reread)
  3. North Anger Abbey – Jane Austen


  1. Fourth Wing – Rebecca Yaros
  2. The Runaway Jury – John Grisham

Reading goals for 2024

1. Read 60 books

The third time is the charm they say

2. Prioritize books I already own over new releases

I had to get a new shelf recently, and while rearranging my books, I realized I had a lot of good books that I hadn’t read. So, this year, I want to focus on the books I already own. This will also mean limiting the number of books I request for review.

SEE ALSO:  My 10 Favorite Books of 2020

3. Write short summaries of books I read

I write reviews for most of the books I read, but I also want to write summaries and notes. I set up a digital reading planner for that.

  Grace and peace to you!
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