Once a month, I share a list of Christian resources such as articles, blog posts, sermons, videos, etc. that I found exciting and edifying. I do this to provide you with more content that will inspire your faith and help you grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. And also to motivate me to discover and learn new things from others.
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publshes salvation, who says to Zion,”Your God reigns.”
Isaiah 52:7
This special edition of Shares n Finds is on social justice. Many competing voices tell us how to react to the unrest following the death of George Floyd. But Christians must always follow God’s Word. Therefore, I compiled these resources that address these events with a Scriptural lens. They edified me, and I hope they will also instruct you.
Also, check out January’s edition, where I shared several videos on social justice.
How Jesus Responded to an Atrocity – Josh Buice
“Jesus calls sinners to repent, Christians should be calling sinners to repent. The Lord has not commissioned Christians to answer every question about injustice in our world.”
Who’s to Blame for the Riots – John MacArthur
How Should Christians Respond to the Riots – John MacArthur
Racial Reconcilliation– Voddie Baucham
Ethnic Gnosticism – Voddie Baucham
Social Justice and the Gospel – John Mac Arthur
Part one, two, three, and four
Other Videos
Race, Rage, Justice, #GeorgeFloyd and the Gospel – Reedemer Truth
Race, Justice and the Gospel – BBC Q&A with Darrell Harrison and Virgil Walker
Black Lives Matter and the New Religion – John Harris
George Floyd and the Gospel – Just Thinking Podcast
Does the Truth Matters – Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey