Shares and Finds

Shares and Finds ~ January 2020

Once a month, I share a list of Christian resources such as articles, blog posts, sermons, videos, etc. that I found exciting and edifying. I do this to provide you with more content that will inspire your faith and help you grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. And also to motivate me to discover and learn new things from others. 

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publshes salvation, who says to Zion,”Your God reigns.”

Isaiah 52:7


Worshiping a Not-So-Holy God – Tim Challies

“We are surrounded by churches that are content to manufacture a God who appeals to ignorant Christians or rebellious non-Christians. Their God is small and safe. Actually, when you look closely, you see that their God bears an uncanny resemblance to them.” In this article, Challies explained how the holiness of God affect our worship, and he shared the book that influenced him the most on this topic.

Praying Scriptures – Michelle Lesley

I always see posts about praying Scriptures on Pinterest, but I never really understood it. This article by Michelle Lesley taught me what it means and how to do it. I loved the examples of Scriptures she used and how she prays them. It motivated me to begin praying Scriptures as well.

You Have More Time to Read the Bible Than You Think – Crossway

This infographic is quite impressive and proves time is not an excuse for not reading the Bible! I was surprised that most books of the Bible could be read in less than an hour. With only 12 minutes a day, we can read the whole Bible in a year, and 50 minutes a day (average tv showtime), we can finish it in six months!

SEE ALSO:  Shares and Finds ~ COVID-19

15 Pieces of Writing Advice from C.S Lewis The Gospel Coalition

It is a short compilation of tips for writers from C.S Lewis


Social Justice and the Gospel Conference

If you have been on Twitter, you must have heard a lot about the social justice movement, critical race theory, Intersectionality, SJWs, etc. I have been growing curious about the topic, mainly because it divides Christians.

So when Youtube recommended Defining Social Justice by Voddie Baucham, I was thrilled. It was so good, I listened to the whole playlist and enjoyed them all. If you want to learn more about Social Justice from a biblical perspective, watch these videos. I have only posted three out of six; you can find the full playlist here


The Evolution of Worship Music – David Wesley

A cappella medley filled with songs still in use today, but with connections to almost 1500 years of Christian worship. It’s all crammed into 7.5 minutes, so strap yourselves in and enjoy the ride!” – Simply beautiful!

Nothing but the Blood of Jesus- Virtual choir

David Wesley called for people all around the world to record themselves singing to form this fantastic virtual choir. It’s so beautiful to see people from various backgrounds and cultures all unite under the name of Jesus! Soli Deo Gloria!

  Grace and peace to you!
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