Shares and Finds

Shares and Finds ~ April 2020

Once a month, I share a list of Christian resources such as articles, blog posts, sermons, videos, etc. that I found exciting and edifying. I do this to provide you with more content that will inspire your faith and help you grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. And also to motivate me to discover and learn new things from others. 

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publshes salvation, who says to Zion,”Your God reigns.”

Isaiah 52:7


Here is Christian Encouragement From All Over the World – Tim Challies

Tim Challies asked his readers around the world to send him some encouraging words for the COVID-19 crisis. The result is pretty awesome!

Basic Training: Being Berean-8 Steps for Comparing Teaching to Scripture – Michelle Lesley

Did you know that you’re supposed to examine what you hear and read by the measuring stick of Scripture and reject anything that conflicts with it? Or do you just take for granted that if someone is a pastor, teacher, or Christian celebrity, he must know what he’s talking about, and what you’re hearing or reading must be biblical Christianity?”

The Benefits of Sitting Under Expository Preaching The Cripple Gate

Now and then, it’s good to stop and bask in the kindness of God with respect to what we have been given in the Bible. It is the word of God. God has spoken. God has spoken. And it’s all here in Holy Scripture. Not one word missing. Not one word misspoken. Not one word mistaken. Incredible.

Three Doctrines that Sustain us in Suffering – Crossway

While we may not understand what God is doing, we can always trust who he is. We must never interpret God’s character by our circumstances. We must instead interpret our circumstances by God’s character. In Psalm 89, we can find three doctrines that undergird the psalmist’s hope in God and that sustain him in the midst of his suffering.”

5 Tips to Becoming an Influencer for Jesus Jesus Film Project

“Whether we like it or not, those of us who follow Jesus are influencers. The decisions we make impact those around us. The lives we lead either make us more credible witnesses or they make it more difficult for others to take the gospel seriously.”


A Promise of Peace in a Worried World

Finding Security in a Troubled World – John MacArthur

Boasting Only in the Cross – John Piper

Recovering Biblical Womanhood – Paul Washer

  Grace and peace to you!
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