Most Christians get appalled by society’s gross sins and immorality, like abortion, homosexuality, transgenderism, and pedophilia. And rightly so, but we often get so preoccupied with these big sins that we overlook our “little” sins and think less of them. Especially our subtle sins. We typically tolerate them because we believe they are not that bad or do not even realize they are sins.
Jerry Bridges nicknamed these kinds of sins “respectable sins.” These are sins we rarely grieve over because they have become acceptable in our sight. In Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate, Bridges explains how sin, no matter how little we think of it, is still a great offense to our Holy God and why we must be killing it.
He says, “It doesn’t matter whether our sin is scandalous or respectable; all our sin is sinful, only sinful, and altogether sinful. Whether it is large or small in our eyes, it is heinous in the sight of God.”
Bridges begins the book by exhorting us to consider the seriousness of sin, ground our hope for forgiveness in the gospel, and persevere in the power of the Spirit. Then the rest of the book explores several respectable sins, such as envy, worry, ungodliness, selfishness, anger, frustration, discontentment, thankfulness, and impatience. In each chapter, Bridges explains how we tolerate these sins, why we must repent, and how we can overcome them through the sanctifying power of Scripture.
Respectable Sins is simply brilliant! I was initially interested in this book because it addressed a couple of sins I struggle with. I didn’t expect it would reveal and convict me of many other respectable sins. There are some sins I never even considered as sins. Take, for instance, frustration. Everyone gets frustrated; it’s okay, right? Well, no. According to Bridges, frustration is another way of expressing our discontentment or anger toward God. It is an offense to His sovereignty.
Reading a book like this can make one depressed because it expertly exposes our sinfulness. But with every admonition Bridges gives, he follows it with a double portion of hope and encouragement. Bridges did not write this book to make us wallow hopelessly in our sins but to examine our hearts and seek the Savior who can cleanse us.
Overall, I found this book to be eye-opening and thought-provoking. It made me consider many of my behaviors in light of Scripture and see whether they are sinful. I deeply appreciate Bridges’ reminder not to take sin lightly. The Son of God died for the little sins we often entertain and tolerate.
I highly recommend this book! Read this with a humble heart and may it convict and move you to pursue holiness.