Christian Living

Remember God’s Faithfulness

An old friend once asked me to choose between never seeing him again but keeping our shared memories, or being together forever but forgetting him daily. I don’t know what inspired that question, but I found it interesting. After some thinking, I chose the former because I thought it would be better to remember him always than forgetting him daily.

This question made me realize the importance of memories. Without our memories, we don’t know who we are. They are the recordings of our lives and a proof of our existence.

Unfortunately, our memory isn’t perfect, and over time we are prone to forget things. It puts us in danger of suffering from spiritual amnesia; a condition in which we don’t remember God’s faithfulness in our life. It’s nothing new, and God’s people have been tragically forgetful from the beginning.

Take, for example, the children of Israel. While in Egypt, they saw God perform many signs and wonders. Including the impressive parting of the Red Sea. But once they got into the wilderness and didn’t see food nor water, they quickly forgot all the miracles God had done before their eyes (Psalm 106:7; 13).

Consequently, they began to doubt His goodness, complained about Him, and even desired to return to Egypt.

When we read that, it’s easy to shake our heads in disbelief of the Israelites’ lack of faith. How could they not believe God would provide for them after all He had done?

But are we any better? Do we not often do the same thing as the Israelites?

We fall into trials and ask God for help. He hears our prayers and at His perfect timing, rescue us. It makes us rejoice and sing His praises. But as soon as we face another struggle, we quickly forget how God helped us before. As a result, we worry, despair, complain and doubt His character.

SEE ALSO:  Turn Complaining Into Gratitude

This is not God’s will for our lives. He doesn’t want us to forget His goodness and constantly doubt Him. That is why He told the Israelites time and time again to remember Him and all the things He has done (Deuteronomy 5:15; 6:21; 8:11, 18; 15:15; 16:12; 24:18, 22).

It is also why Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper and instructed His disciples to do it regularly in remembrance of Him (Luke 22:19).

Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children’s children.

Deuteronomy 4:9

 A woman looking at a burning tree, remember God's faithfulness
A man walking on a mountain, remembering God's faithfulness

When we remember how God previously helped us; it builds our faith and gives us confidence that He can do it again.

David exemplified this when he fought Goliath and said, “The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion, and from the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” (1 Samuel 17:37)

So how can we take care to remember God’s faithfulness?

For me, it has been by starting a testimony journal last year. One night, I prayerfully asked God to help me remember His faithfulness in my life, and He much obliged! I was overwhelmed with awe at all the things God did for me, and shame that I had forgotten about it.

Ever since then, whenever God does something in my life, no matter how big or small, I write it down. It usually something like: “God, I remember when…but.” I make sure to go through my journal frequently. And every time I read through it, I remember God’s faithfulness, and it encourages me and deepens my trust in Him.

SEE ALSO:  Grateful for the Gospel of Grace

If you don’t already, I highly encourage you to journal your walk with God and record all He has done for you. Should you think that God hasn’t done anything significant in your life yet, remember the cross!

Remember the most magnificent work God had ever done when He sent His only Son to die in our stead. I don’t know if God will ever do anything more significant than that.

And if He helped us get free from the terrible curse of sin, how much more will He help us in our daily troubles?

Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits

Psalm 103:2

Remembering God’s faithfulness isn’t limited to our personal experiences. I think it’s also good practice to hear the faithfulness of God in the life of others through their testimonies. The situations may be different, but God remains the same. If He did it before for them, He could do it again for you.

Friend, let’s do whatever we can to remember our God and all He has done for us. And may His faithfulness of yesterday make us trust Him today and give us hope for tomorrow.

  Grace and peace to you!
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