I fell in love with reading when I was thirteen years old. My brother gave me a copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, and it opened a new world of pleasure hitherto unknown. Sixteen years later, reading has remained a constant habit and a fount of many joys in my life. I believe it’s one of God’s greatest gifts to mankind, but alas, it’s also one of His most neglected.
Many surveys have shown that reading is becoming a dying art with its chief killers being smartphones and social media. This is a significant concern to Christians as it may affect our Bible reading, and we cannot afford to lose that. Hence, In Recovering the Lost Art of Reading: A Quest for the True, the Good, and the Beautiful, Leland Ryken and Glenda Faye Mathes take us on a journey to recover, nurture, and delight in the art of reading.
They say, “In today’s technology-driven and value bereft culture, reading has become a lost art. But it’s an art that can be recovered and enjoyed by anyone, no matter what the individual’s educational level or literary experience.”
Recovering the Lost Art of Reading is not a how-to book on how to read more and better. Rather, it’s a guide by two seasoned readers who delight in books and want others to share their joy. They say, “We want you, whether you read a little or a lot, to experience more joy in reading (and therefore in life). We want to dispel the notion of reading as duty and instill the concept of reading as delight.”
The book has 22 chapters divided into three parts. In part one, Ryken and Mathes explain the current state of reading and how it’s becoming a lost art. Part two explains literature, its significance. It also explores various literary genres and provides tips on reading and enjoying them. And in part three, Ryken, and Mathes provide a detailed plan to recover artful reading such as reading with an eye for beauty, morality, truth, and literary excellence.
The authors explain well the art of reading, its decline, and potential recovery. Though I am not in danger of losing reading, this book still encouraged me to read more and better (especially well-written books). I particularly appreciated the authors’ argument of seeing reading as art. Mathes says, “Thinking of reading as an art, helps you do three things: (1) take reading more seriously, (2) see a difference between reading and reading well (“getting through a book and getting something out of it”) and (3) consider this type of reading as its own reward.”
I adored the second part of the book which I think is its greatest strength. Ryken and Mathes brilliantly explain various literature genres, why we should read them, and how to read them. It thrilled me that Ryken and Mathes included a chapter devoted to fantasy and gave arguments for reading them. It is my favorite genre and one that many Christians often overlook.
I also love that the book featured pieces of information that benefited writers. Ryken and Mathes, who advocate for literary excellence, provide examples of excellent writing and explain what makes them so good. They also dedicated a chapter to calling and creativity that I enjoyed a lot.
One potential drawback of Recovering the Lost Art of Reading is that it leans slightly on the academic side and it might frighten away aspiring readers. I think this book will mostly appeal to people who already read and want to get more from it.
Nevertheless, I highly recommend this book to all Christians. It is very well written, packed with useful information. It will remind or show you the importance of reading in our lives and the delight that comes with it. As the authors say, “Artfully reading the Good Book and other good books is a treasure we dare not lose.”
Crossway publishers graciously gave me a complimentary copy for an honest review.