I first heard of Pilgrim’s Progress as the book Charles Spurgeon read over a hundred times. It naturally got me curious, so I grabbed a copy on Amazon to discover what captivated Spurgeon. It did not disappoint me! Pilgrim’s Progress is a fresh and beautiful picture of the Christian life, with roots deeply planted in Scriptural truths. It is a Christian classic and the most widely sold book after the Bible.
About the Book
Pilgrim’s Progress is a Christian allegory about the spiritual journey of a believer in Christ. It chronicles the journey of a man named Christian, as he sojourns from the City of Destruction (the world) to the Celestial City (Heaven) to meet the King (Jesus).
However, his journey isn’t a smooth ride. It is fraught with obstacles and hardships, which represent the many pitfalls believers encounter in their spiritual journeys. Though Christian gets into a few troubles, he prevails each time. Each trial teaches valuable lessons that can help us overcome similar trials we face in life, or prevent us from falling in the same dangers.
The book is presented as a similitude of a dream by an unknown narrator, and it’s structured in stages. Each stage represents a significant phase in a Christian life beginning with the conversion. For example, the first stage is regeneration, when Christian got convicted and burdened by his sin. And it goes on like this to the eleventh and final stage, which is eternity.
My thoughts
I think Bunyan successfully gave a faithful account of a Christian’s journey. Many, if not all, of Christian’s encounters, were highly relatable. The highest strength of this book, (and what I loved the most about it), is its deep roots in Scriptures. I do not exaggerate when I say there’s a corresponding bible verse for every other sentence in Pilgrim’ Progress. I was profoundly impressed by Bunyan’s extensive knowledge of Scriptures and his ability to infuse it throughout his book.
Charles Spurgeon even called Bunyan a living Bible and said, “Read anything of his [Bunyan’s], and you will see that it is almost like reading the Bible itself. He had read it till his very soul was saturated with Scripture…prick him anywhere; his blood is Bibline; the very essence of the Bible flows from him. He cannot speak without quoting a text, for his very soul is full of the Word of God.”
Not only is Pilgrim’s Progress filled with Scriptures, but it is also faithful to it. It gives a clear and accurate presentation of the Gospel of Christ, not a watered version popular in the evangelical world today.
I also enjoyed the biblical lessons in every stage of the book. Even when Christian encountered troubles I hadn’t, I learned a few things that will help recognize the trap of the enemy. And I also enjoyed the poetry/song Christian recited at the end of every trial.
On the flip side, I found the book a bit difficult to read. I can easily spend hours reading a book, but for some reason, I couldn’t read more than a chapter per day with this one. Perhaps it is because of the different writing style, or because it was written a long time ago. Whatever the case, it was not a can’t-put-it-down book for me. But its probably for the best, as it allowed me to digest the material slowly.
Nevertheless, I enjoyed the book. It made me reflect on my faith journey and examine myself. It also provided me with valuable resources to keep me on the true path of righteousness.
For instance, Christian’s sole focus on God convicted me and made me realize I let myself get too distracted by worldly things instead of fixing my eyes on Christ. Also, the sufficiency of Scripture for all of Christian’s troubles inspired me. And I was enormously encouraged by how Christian and his fellow resisted a specific obstacle and the means they use to overcome it.
My recommendation
Pilgrim’s Progress is for the everyday Christian, as it depicts general things all believers can expect from the moment we have been regenerated to when we die and go to heaven.
Therefore, I recommend all Christians to read it! Especially new believers. The book is so theologically rich that I cannot imagine any Christian reading it without learning something that will grow them in their faith.
Non-Christians should also read it because it is an excellent introduction to the Christian life. However, as it doesn’t have much apologetics, non-believers who are skeptical but warm towards Christianity might benefit from it.
Favorite quotes
Here are a few of my favorite quotes from the book.
Though the hill is high, I still desire to walk up it. I don’t care how difficult it is, because I understand that it leads to the way of life.
The third stage, page 43
And what is it that makes you so desirous to go to Mount Zion?’ Christian’s eyes grew wide and dreamy. ‘Why, I hope to see Him alive who hung dead on the cross.
Third stage, page 54
For to tell you the truth, I love Him because He released me from my burden, and I am weary of my inward sickness. In view of this, I prefer to be where I shall die no more, and in the company of others who shall continually cry, “Holy, holy, holy.”
Third stage, page 55
These troubles and distresses you are experiencing in these waters are no indication that God has abandoned you. Rather, they are sent to test you to see whether or not you will recall the evidence of his past goodness and rely upon him in your present distresses.
Tenth stage, page 180

This awesome. Definitely getting a copy of Pilgrims Progress.
Nice! It’s a great read, I hope you enjoy it!