I read 60 books in 2024 and met my goal. I read many excellent books, and though my reading list was better than last year’s, it was not as good as in previous years. I hope 2025 will be better! As usual, I have narrowed my favorite books to ten and listed them in the order I read below. These are my all-star-five-star-will-read-again books of 2024!
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1. Thriving in Grace – Joel Beeke & Brian Hedges
Thriving in Grace is an excellent book that I highly recommend. It is easy to read, well organized, thoroughly biblical, and packed with incredible insights for Christian living. The Puritans were fantastic; we can all benefit from their wise words.
2. All Things for Good – Thomas Watson
Thomas Watson is my favorite Puritan writer, and this book is another excellent piece of writing. In this book, Watson exposits Romans 8:28 and brings forth wonderful insights and principles from this text. I highly recommend it!
3. How Should We Then Die – Ewan C. Goligher
How Should We Then Die proved to be a surprisingly delightful read! I was initially hesitant about the book because I thought I was familiar with arguments against physician-assisted death. However, its depth of analysis and new perspectives pleasantly surprised me. I enjoyed delving deeper into physician-assisted death and exploring Goligher’s insightful arguments. I particularly appreciated that he included reasons for physician-assisted death, which increased my understanding of people seeking it.
4. The Lord of Psalm 23 – David Gibson
Reading The Lord of Psalm 23 was a delightful experience! Gibson’s insights helped me ponder the role of Jesus as our shepherd in ways I had never considered before. His reflections led me to rejoice, marvel, and wonder at the blessings of having Jesus with us. Additionally, the book is enriched by numerous insights from church history figures. This adds depth and historical context to the psalm’s interpretation.
5. Reformed Covenant Theology – Harrison Perkins
Reading this book was like drinking from a firehose—intense and enriching. I highlighted many sections and had several moments of revelation. I learned fascinating details, such as Adam having the 10 Commandments, the probationary period and reward of the 1st covenant, and Christ’s role as expromissor and fidejussor. The book also deepened my understanding of the parallels and contrasts between the first and last Adam and the implications of the covenant’s substance and administration. It is my favorite book from 2024, and I highly recommend it!
6. The Storied Life – Jared Wilson
Reading this book was a delightful experience and a timely blessing that encouraged me to persevere in my writing journey. Whether you are a seasoned writer, just starting, or aspiring to write, The Storied Life is for you. It is a helpful guide that equips and encourages writers to glorify God through their writing. I strongly recommend it to all Christian writers!

7. On the Christian Life – John Calvin
On the Christian Life is a helpful and concise book that will benefit any Christian serious about holiness and living a gospel-centered life. Whether you read it in this new edition or any other, I highly recommend it to learn from Calvin’s timeless wisdom.
8. Reformation Women – Rebecca VanDoodewaard
Reformation Women is fantastic! It gripped me from start to finish, and I loved every moment. The conclusion was especially poignant, as VanDoodewaard draws valuable, convicting lessons from these women’s lives. If you haven’t read this book, I highly recommend it. It’s a beautiful and inspiring tribute to 12 women of faith who helped shape Christian history!
9. God’s Smuggler – John and Elizabeth Sherrill
God’s Smuggler is the captivating true story of Dutch missionary Brother Andrew and his daring work smuggling Bibles into communist countries behind the Iron Curtain. It is a fascinating, inspiring, and thrilling read that I enjoyed immensely!

10. Reading the Psalms as Scripture – James Hamilton
This book is an excellent little for reading the book of Psalms. Thanks to its wonderful knowledge, I learned about the Psalms and will likely never read them as before!
Honorable Mentions
I also quite enjoyed these three books, though I didn’t give them five stars: Waiting isn’t a Waste by Mark Vroegop, The Army of God by Geoffrey Chang, and Remaking the World by Andrew Wilson.
You can find the complete list of the books I read in 2024 here.