
Jesus Lives, So Shall I

It has been two years since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Besides taking lives and ushering in global government overreach, the COVID pandemic helped expose our deep-seated fear of death.

When confronted with an allegedly deadly virus, millions of people locked themselves up in their homes, isolated themselves from their loved ones, and surrendered their lives to lawless governments to avoid catching it. We so desperately fear dying that we would do anything to be safe—even if it means not actually living.

It is right for us not to want to die. Death is not part of God’s original design for us. He created us to worship Him and enjoy Him forever, and He set eternity into the human heart. But when the first Adam sinned, death entered the world and was passed on to all men (Rom 5:12). Now it is appointed unto men to die once. No matter how many vaccines shot we get, masks we wear, the precautions we take, or technological advancements we achieve, death is inevitable.

It is a scary thought that we naturally cannot bear. But for believers in Christ, death is no longer a thing to be feared. It has lost its sting.

The sting of death is sin, and Jesus conquered it on the cross (1 Cor. 15:55-57). He who knew no sin became sin and died so death could die. And through the death of Christ, God has also granted us victory over death. “For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.” (1 Cor 15:21-22).

SEE ALSO:  Philippians 1:12-18a: Joy Despite Suffering

Because Jesus died, death has lost its victory over us. Because Jesus died and lives, we have eternal life and hope for a resurrection. Because Jesus lives, so shall we, and never again shall we die.

So fear not death, Christian, fear not. Jesus has risen! Live your life to the hilt for the glory of God. Let’s not hold on to this life, for our hope is not here. We have an infinitely better country that awaits us, and death is only the beginning, not the end.

Blessed Resurrection Sunday! Maranatha!

Jesus lives, and so shall I.
Death! thy sting is gone forever!
He who deigned for me to die,
lives, the bands of death to sever.
He shall raise me from the dust:
Jesus is my hope and trust.

Jesus lives and reigns supreme;
And, his kingdom still remaining,
I shall also be with him,
Ever living, ever reigning.
God has promised; be it must:
Jesus is my hope and trust.

Jesus lives, and God extends
Grace to each returning sinner,
Rebels He receives as friends
And exalts to highest honor.
God is True as He is Just;
Jesus is my hope and trust

Jesus lives, and by His grace,
Vict’ry o’er my passions giving,
I will cleanse my heart and ways,
Ever to his glory living.
The weak He raises from the dust:
Jesus is my hope and trust.

Jesus lives! I am sure
Naught shall e’er from Jesus sever,
Satan’s wiles, and Satan’s power,
Pain or pleasure ye shall never!
Christian armor can not rust:
Jesus is my hope and trust.

Jesus lives, and death is now
But my entrance into glory.
Courage! then, my soul, for thou
Hast a crown of life before thee;
Thou shalt find thy hopes were just:
Jesus is the Christian’s trust.

Christian F. Gellert 1715-1769

I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do You believe this?

John 11:25-26
  Grace and peace to you!
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