I discovered the power of testimony a few months after I became a real Christian. At the time, I attended a church that shared the testimonies of members of the congregation every week on their program. It included salvation stories, healings, deliverance, provision, etc.
These stories inspired me and encouraged me a lot. Although I had to move from that city and, consequently, that church, I will always remember the favorable impact of hearing those stories had on me. They have been
And they have conquered him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they did not loved not their lives even unto death
Revelation 12:11
Although different people have different gifts, we all have the gift of our story! We all have a testimony that we need to give to the world.
God, in His greatness, made each one of us unique; no two people have the same story. No one else has walked in your shoes, has gone through exactly everything you have been. You have a unique and beautiful story that God had written before you even took your first breath. And you need to let that story out!
Reasons to share your testimony
Your story matters because your life does. Even if you think you are just a nobody or your story is boring, it is a lie. God wonderfully and beautifully made you, and your life! Here are some additional reasons to share
1. You will provide freedom and encouragement for someone
Your testimony has the power to free someone lost in hopelessness. When you share your story, you get the opportunity to encourage someone in his/her faith by telling them what Jesus is doing or has done in your life. When I was going through unemployment, I heard stories of people who went through something similar and how God came through for them. Their testimonies encouraged me and gave me hope that God will come through for me too.
2. You give glory to God
God has done, is doing and will continue to do things in your life. In John 5:17, Jesus says,” My Father is always working, and so am I.” When you share your story, you give glory to God for what He has done; you testify of His greatness, power, and faithfulness.
3. The Bible tells us to do so
Many Bible verses tell us to share what God has done for us. For example, in Luke 8, Jesus healed a demon-possessed man and charged the man to share his healing story. Jesus said to Him, and I believe to us too, “return to your own house and tell what great things God has done for you.”
How to share your salvation testimony
Our salvation testimony is the story of how Jesus saved us. If you are a Christian, you have a salvation testimony whether you were saved when you were four or saved as an adult.
To share your salvation testimony, I suggest following the biblical model found in Acts 26, the testimony of Paul of Tarsus.
Paul used to persecute Christians; he didn’t believe Jesus was the Messiah and hated His followers. Afterward, He had an encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus, and that encounter changed him forever. He left his old life behind and traveled far and wide to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. Based on Paul’s testimony, here is how to structure your testimony.
1. Your life before Christ
First, start by describing your life before Christ. What was your lifestyle? How was your state of mind? Where you depressed, anxious, fearful, etc. What did you worship instead of God? Was it money, career, family, spouse, etc.
2. How you encounter Christ
Next, describe how you came to know Jesus. How were you introduced to Him, or how did He appear to you? When did you hear the gospel for the first time? What made you trust Him? How did you realize you needed Him? What influenced your decision?
3. Your life after Christ
Lastly, describe your life after you were saved. How has your life changed? Or how have you changed? How is Christ filling your needs now?
How to share your other testimonies
Non-salvation testimonies are the things that God has been doing in your life beyond saving you. For instance, healings, deliverance, restraint of your tongue, job promotion, answered prayers, etc. You can write it how it comes to you.
Nevertheless, here is a simple format to use if you don’t know where to start. As an illustration, I have included my testimony.
1. What happened
What was the situation or problem?
I went to a mechanic to inspect my car, and my car had more problems than I anticipated, and the bill was more than I could afford.
2. What did you do
What did you do to change the situation?
At the time, I was unemployed, with credit cards almost maxed out. I checked my accounts and saw that I couldn’t quite afford it. I prayed to God and asked Him for help.
3. What did God do?
What specific action did God perform to help you in your situation?
God intervened by fixing the most expensive repair: new headlights. The mechanic called me a little later and told me that the lights were working now, and he didn’t understand how it happened.
4. Results of God intervention
How did your situation change after God intervened?
My bill was significantly lower, and I was able to pay it without my bank account being overdrawn.
5. Where are you now
What has happened since then? What is happening in your life with God now?
It’s been half a year and my headlights are still working and I never had to repair them.
Additional guidelines
1. Put God first
Even though this your testimony, it is ultimately His story. The goal of sharing your testimony is to bear witness to God and to reveal Him to others. When you write your story, try to make it more of Him and less of you. Include the message of the gospel, especially in the salvation one.
2. Keep it real
Be honest and as vulnerable as you are comfortable to be. Don’t skip any steps, but share it all; the good, the bad, and the ugly. Include details of the waiting, the pain, etc. That will make it more relatable.
3. Avoid Religious words
Your audience might not all be Christians. So try to avoid churchy words like born again, Gospel, justification, righteousness, sin, etc.
4. Pray before sharing your testimony
No matter how many articles you read on how to write or share your testimony, your best guide is and always will be the Holy Spirit.

For additional resources on how to share your testimony, read this article from the CS Lewis Institute.
Share your testimony today and let people see our great God through you. You can share any kind of testimony, and remember, it doesn’t have to be completed before you share it. You can also share what God is doing right now.
testimony 4 Christ Well 1st I want to say God is sooo good! He does work all things for our good and his Glory! I can gratefully say after years of smoking cigarettes and addiction to Opioids God has delivered me from both in the same year! I’ve made many many mistakes on my life…. sexual immorality, drug use, smoking, cussing, even thought I was hearing from angels… wow Was I wrong! Nope it was demons acting as such! Before I realized that I got into new age stuff that didnt know was witchcraft and was in that for about… Read more »
Hi Amber, thank you so much for sharing your testimony! Praise God for saving you out of the new age!