He is not in the strong winds
which tear down mountains,
break apart rocks.
He is not in the earthquake
which crack open the ground,
pull down mighty towers.
He is not in the wildfires
which desolates forests,
lay waste to miles of soil.
He is in the still small voice
The voice that rebukes the winds,
stills the fiercest storms.
The voice that shakes the earth out of its place,
trembles its pillars.
The voice that commands the sun,
melts down the earth.
His voice that speaks to us
His voice that calms fears
His voice that silence lies
His voice that comforts the heart
His voice that thunders in marvelous ways
Inspired from 1 Kings 19:11-12
I love how it really picked up from “He is in the still small voice” – your words just flowed.
Thank you 🙂