
Five Years of Blogging

Today marks a significant milestone for this site. It has been five years since I launched my blog, Words of Faith, Hope, & Love! On January 13th, 2019, I began a journey to share gracious words that would encourage and edify believers (Ephesians 4:29). By God’s grace, I have done my best to pursue that goal.

Over the last five years, I have published 114 Christian book reviews and 198 posts covering various topics such as theology, spiritual growth, prayer, Bible study, suffering, discernment, and holiness. Moreover, I have been sending a monthly newsletter featuring Scripture reflections and uplifting words from other saints. Only through God’s grace has this been possible, and I am deeply grateful for the wonderful privilege.

I never could have imagined the blessings and opportunities this blog would provide when I launched it five years ago. I referenced these blessings in this first-anniversary post, and they remain valid. One of these blessings has been inspiring fellow believers in their journey with Christ.

In the past five years, I have received several comments and emails from readers expressing how my articles helped them. And every time I read these comments, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and joy.

Your kind comments and emails significantly helped me persevere with this blog. There have been multiple times when I seriously pondered closing this site. Keeping it up was becoming burdensome, as it demanded significant time and resources. Moreover, given the wide range of excellent Christian materials available, I didn’t feel needed. But after months of prayer and reflection, I renewed my commitment to this blog. Lord willing, I hope to accomplish the following goals.

SEE ALSO:  First Anniversary and Top 10 Posts of 2019

1. Revamp this site

I have spent the last few months working on a long-overdue site redesign. The new design includes a new name that aligns with my updated purpose (more details later). Lord willing, the new site will launch in the next couple of weeks.

2. Write for other publications

Writing guest posts and receiving constructive feedback from other writers will help me grow as a writer. However, I have never submitted articles to external publications, partly due to fear of rejection. But, starting this year, I will write and submit articles to other blogs.

3. Write books

I have always wanted to write a book and have brainstormed several ideas over the years. I am unsure if I have the skills to be an author, but I’m determined to give it my best. I am currently focusing on developing two book ideas: fiction (fantasy) and Christian non-fiction.

4. Invest in my writing

To achieve the two previous goals, I need to improve my writing. Hence, I plan to invest in tools and resources to enhance my writing abilities.

5. Blog Consistently

Due to a significant life change, I haven’t been able to maintain a consistent blogging schedule for the past couple of years. From now on, I aim to have weekly posts on Sundays and send a newsletter on the first Sunday of each month.

Thank you for taking the time to read my words and leave kind comments for the last five years. I don’t know what God has in store for this ministry, but I am sure it will be full of divine grace and mercies, which I look forward to. Cheers to the next five years and beyond!

SEE ALSO:  First Anniversary and Top 10 Posts of 2019
  Grace and peace to you! 
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Welcome to my blog! My name is Audrey, I am a sojourner and slave of Christ.

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