
Hi, My Name Is Audrey

Hi friend! Welcome to my online home! My name is Audrey, and I am a joyful slave of Jesus Christ.

I am a Christian in my early thirties currently sojourning in Canada. I love reading books, listening to music, playing the piano, drinking tea, and of course, writing. When not doing any of the above, I also love crocheting, sewing, and trying new recipes.

What do I believe?

God graciously saved me out of the Roman Catholic Church when I was 24, and I am now protestant and reformed. This means,

  • I believe in the triune God, who is one being in three distinct persons: Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  • I believe the second person of the Trinity became a man in the person of Jesus Christ.
  • He came to bear the punishment for our sins, died on the cross, and resurrected three days later. 
  • I believe Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead and establish His kingdom forever.
  • I affirm the five solas of the Protestant Reformation. We are saved by grace alone (Sola Gratia), through faith alone (Sola Fides), in Christ alone (Solus Christus), according to Scripture alone (Sola Scriptura) for God’s glory alone (Soli Deo Gloria).
  • And I affirm the Doctrines of Grace, also known as the five points of Calvinism.

I also believe in these essential doctrines of the Christian faith.

Why did I start this site?

I have always loved reading and writing. When I was a kid, I imagined and wrote fantasy stories, and as a teen, I wrote terrible love poems and lyrics. I abandoned writing when I went to college to study engineering. But when God, in His unfathomable grace, breathed new life into my dry bones, He also rekindled my lost passion.  As a result, I started writing Christian poetry as a form of worship.

Then one day, I had a random crazy idea to start a blog. It was initially supposed to be an archive for my poetry, but as I grew in my grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, the blog became a repository of everything I have learned and am learning about Him. It is a public record of my journey walking with Jesus and becoming like Him.

And my prayer is that the lessons I have learned will help you know Jesus more, love others better and live as holy citizens of heaven to the glory and praise of God.

What to expect

On this blog, you will find articles on theology, Bible study, apologetics, Church history, Christian living, biblical encouragement, and more. Since I am also an avid reader and a music fanatic, you will also find Christian book reviews and articles on hymns of the faith.

Just so you know, I am not a Bible teacher or seminarian. I am a laywoman trying my best to be an approved worker, rightly handling the Word of God. So if you find anything on my blog contrary to the Holy Scripture, please let me know. I am still learning, and I welcome correction.

Like myself, this blog is a work in progress and imperfect, but I pray it will be a stepping stone that will lead you to the perfect and glorious One.

All glory be to Christ, our King.

 Grace and peace to you!

For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to comes.” – Hebrews 13:14

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David Whipps
David Whipps
4 months ago

Hello, Audrey! I came across your site doing research for a study I’m doing for an adult small group at our church contrasting shame and hope. Your information on hope has been extremely helpful! Thank you for all your research, study, effort, and time. They have all greatly aided me.

Christopher J Stacy
Christopher J Stacy
9 months ago

Greetings. I found your website by accident, looking for religions that got started on extra-Biblical revelations, like Islam and Mormonism to use for my sermon this Sunday. I am glad that I stumbled upon this. I am also a reformed Christian in progress myself. I hope the Lord continues to bless you with more writings. God bless.

1 year ago

The Catholics have always been a massive mystery to me, and I swing the way of some of their thinking, but only in Christ Jesus, never in the worship of Mary, as I see what they have as good for Jesus in their passion and spiritual attitude toward him… However, since I was young, in the 80’s I’ve observed them, tv, movies, and info, but I’ve come to realize later in life more about them. At one time I appreciated people like John Paul II, and he went on, then Pope Francis appeared, his heresy is hard to ignore, and… Read more »

2 years ago

Hello ♡… nice to find your website!
Let’s be in touch.

Ernest Taylor
Ernest Taylor
2 years ago

Audrey, my name is Ernest and I am a Christian also, this is my first time I have seen your blog. I study from the view point of One, One God, One Creator, and the Bible being a big picture of God’s plan for his creation. This allows me to keep God’ will my main focus. (I Tim. 2:5) When I study I pray for understanding of the scripture and that I will always stay within the context of the scriptures. It is my hope that we will share in study as we grow in understanding the will of God… Read more »

suzy golden
suzy golden
2 years ago

I love you! thank you for creating this blog. All Glory to Jesus our Lord!

2 years ago

Hi Audrey, I came across your blog by accident looking for the difference a between the Catholic faith, Christianity and it’s origins for my book. I too came from a confusing Catholic background and got sucked into Gnosticism, then by God’s grace He saved me and wanted me to write about my testimony. Thank you so much for writing about why you left the RCC. There is a lot of misinformation out there about the RCC and you’ve hit the mail on the head. Would it be ok if I use a few paragraphs from your blog for my book?… Read more »

2 years ago

Hi – I came across your site as I searched for “what to do when you don’t know what to pray for” as I’m at a very major crossroad in my life. After I read the article you wrote on the subject I scrolled down and saw “by Audrey” and I was confused for a moment until I realized the Author’s name is Audrey. I think those words were written by Audrey for this Audrey. Thank you. Our name is not all that common so I believe I was meant to see that message, matters not how long ago you… Read more »

Anesuishe Bvukumbwe
Anesuishe Bvukumbwe
2 years ago

Hi Audrey.Your blog is very helpful.This is my darkest season and most of what you wrote relate to my dituation.Your blog is very strengthening and encouraging.I pray I get strength to continue.

Paula Johnson
Paula Johnson
2 years ago

Hi Audrey, I found your blog as I was searching for scriptures on prayer and fasting. Your words have engaged my thoughts and I look forward to reading more.

2 years ago

Lovely and well written ♾️🕊✝️💟

2 years ago

Hi Audrey, It’s been wonderful being here today, finding out that you’re the real deal as far as being a Christian goes and relating everything back to the word of God, I was looking for what is “missing” from your average Church in our time, when Christ walked this earth he *healed* the sick, it was instant, now, we have a type of “take two aspirin and call me in the morning” type healing. I will learn from your Names of God for sure, and other of your writings, I will probably spend some time here if you don’t mind… Read more »

Ni San
Ni San
3 years ago

I found your blog when searching for the word ‘peace’. I was pleased with the definition you wrote and decided to subscribe to your blog. I’m glad I stumbled upon your site. It seems it will be refreshing to read the information you have about God and his Word. Thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge God has given you!

3 years ago

Hi there I’m a ‘new’ Christian (finally got saved at the ripe age of 57 after being in the new age movement for decades) and I came acroos your Blog whilst researching the meaning of atonement and ofcourse I found many other interesing things besides. So hard for new believers to stay on the narrow path and cos of lockdown I’ve been on my own a lot but the Holy Spirit has kept me on that path and always brought me back to it when I stumbled upon the likes of the prosperity gospel and even the awful Alpha course… Read more »

Rena Jackson
Rena Jackson
3 years ago
Reply to  Simmy

I was asked to write a devotion for advent in my Methodist church. I want to write about the joy I remember from Christmases past and how last Christmas , while joyful, was isolated and somber, which allowed for a deeper reflection. Just reading, not wanting to plagiarize, but would like to quote you and give credit. The red flag was your 5 points on Calvinism. Not really a red flag per sae, just in my novice thoughts I don’t want to misinterpret and not sure I understand Calvinism. . All I have read so far is how I believe… Read more »

3 years ago

Wow! Such a contrast. I am approaching my ninth decade and am a steeped-in-denominationalism, seeking to be free, male former pastor who is interested in house church. I am leading a tiny, central Georgia, rural congretation of maybe 7-9 in worship this a.m.I am sort of scattered over the board with my own blog and a technical novice. Best wishes, and many blessings. I look forward to getting back. –Dan in Rural CenGA.

Michelle Pelky
4 years ago

I love your blog.

Virginia Levins
4 years ago

I have just signed up to enter your library, but it is asking for a password and I do not know how to apply for one since that is no request for one when I sent my request.

Teresa Dietrich
5 years ago

Carey, I love your statement of faith (about) page. I feel like I know you so much better & want to come back and read what God puts on your heart. I am praying for your journey of faith! Teresa

5 years ago

Hi . I love your blog

Stacey C
Stacey C
4 years ago
Reply to  Desiree

Thanks so much for share n find this blog. I just new here… GBusall

Natty Alvarez
Natty Alvarez
4 years ago
Reply to  Desiree

I love your blog, it help me a lot, Gos bless you more.

5 years ago

May God continue with his blessings upon your life and this ministry
Am ready to be fed with the word

Deana Waldrop
Deana Waldrop
4 years ago
Reply to  Audrey

I am grateful I found your blog today and signed up. My search was on the definition of peace. God is shalom our peace. His presence in us by Holy Spirit , is the beginning of peace as He makes us whole and one. His unfailing, sustaining love is consuming, me,all of us making us whole, complete. I am so looking forward to reading your blog and receiving a fresh breath of life from the unity and oneness we have in Chrust Jesus, the living Word bringing abundant life to us. Thank you for speaking Holy Spirit’s words of life… Read more »