Hymns of the Faith

12 Christian Songs To Encourage You During Hard Times

I love music! I can’t count the number of times I thanked God for this wonderful gift. What I love most about music, it’s how it can uplift and encourage me when I am at my lowest.

Music has a soothing and calming power. You can see an example of that in 1 Samuel 16:14-23; a distressing spirit of the Lord tormented Saul, and it was only when David played the harp that Saul found peace. Music still has that effect today; when I am distressed, listening to music cheers me up, relaxes me, refreshes me, and changes my mood.

A lady listening to music
A lady smiling while listening to music

I started listening to Christian music three years ago when Jesus saved me. If secular music encouraged me before, Christian music took it to another level. Christian music has encouraging lyrics based on our hope in Jesus, His faithfulness, love, and assured promises of being with us through our trials. It also draws us closer to God.

I made a list of the top 12 Christian songs that I have been the most inspiring to me during hard times. If you need some help today, listen to these songs, and I pray God comforts and encourages you through them.

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms, and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord

Colossians 3:16

1. Made a Way – Travis Greene

“You move mountains, you cause walls to fall, with Your power, You perform miracles. There is nothing that’s impossible. And we’re standing here, only because You made a way.”

Travis Greene

Made a way is a beautiful song about God’s great power. I heard it for the first time when I was fighting depression last year, and I listened to it on repeat for weeks. Listening to the song reminded me that God could and will make a way. He is a miracle-working, way making God.  Though my situation seems hopeless, God has it in control and will make a way.

2. Do it again – Elevation Worship

Your promise still stands. Great is Your faithfulness, faithfulness. I’m still in Your hands. This is my confidence, You never failed me yet. 

Elevation Worship

When I first heard this song in church, it was like the song was written for me. I could identify with waiting on God, wondering how come He hasn’t answered me all this time and wondering if He would ever help me. But as the lyrics say, God’s faithfulness still stands. He will not fail me, nor will He abandon you, and He will never let us down. He moved mountains before, and He will do it again

3. Seasons – Hillsong Worship

I can see the promise; I can see the future. You’re the God of seasons, and I am just in the winter. If all I know of harvest is that it’s worth my patience. Then if you are not done working, God I am not done waiting.

Hillsong Worship

There was a time early last year when I was ready to give up. I had reached a significant setback, and I told God that I couldn’t take it anymore. I don’t know what led me to listen to seasons by Hillsong, but the song just spoke to me. Seasons is about waiting on God. God is patient and does things in seasons, and we will all have to go through winter. Though long the winter may seem, it will end one day, and spring will come with the promise of a harvest. The song encourages me not to give up and wait on the Lord.  

4. It Is Well – Kristene DiMarco & Bethel Music

And through it all, through it all. My eyes are on You. And it is well. It is well. So, let go my soul and trust in Him. The waves and wind still know His name.

Bethel Music

This song makes me feel peaceful, from the soft melody to the thoughtful lyrics. When I listen to it, I try to let go of my stress and worries and just trust in God. The song teaches that no matter what we are facing, we need to keep our focus on Jesus, not our troubles. He is powerful enough to command winds and waves and can fix any situation.

5. It Is Well with My Soul – Horatio Spafford

When peace like a river, attendeth my way. When sorrows like sea billows roll. Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say it is well, it is well with soul.

Horatio Spafford

This hymn encourages me to accept whatever comes from the hand of the Lord. Nothing happens to without God’s sovereign approval. Although sometimes it may be hard, He does it for a reason; and I must accept it and even be thankful for it.

SEE ALSO:  The Testing of my Faith: Loneliness

What inspires me in this song is the events that lead to its writing. Horatio Spafford had just lost his business, his fortune, and his four daughters in a sea accident. Right there in the middle of His most considerable pain, He said: “it is well with my soul.” That kind of trust and faith in the Lord encourages me in my trials to also have faith in God and trust Him.

6. Solid Rock – Unspoken

And through these dark and raging seas, Your grace has not abandoned me. And for these storms, I thank my God. For they drove me to the solid rock.


I remember listening to Solid Rock right after a failed job interview last year and how it made me cry. It is a beautiful acoustic song about broken dreams, storms of life, and how we need them because God uses it to shape us and draw us close to Him.

It also moves me because it reminds me that though God lets us go through these trials, His love and grace are still with us. We don’t need to fear storms or run away from them because it will get us near to Jesus. When I listen to it, besides holding back tears, I remember to think of the good God has been doing through my trials and to thank Him for letting me go through it.

7. Hills and Valleys – Tauren Wells

When I am standing on the mountain aft, didn’t get there on my own. When I am walking through the valley end, no I am not alone. You’re God of the hills and valleys, and I am not alone.

Tauren Wells

When everything is going well in our lives, we believe God is with us. Once tragedy strikes, we start wondering where God is. With this song, Tauren Wells reminds us that God is always with us, and we are never alone. He is the one that takes us on mountain tops and walks us through valleys. Through it all, He is in control, and He never abandons us. I like to listen to this song, in difficult times to remind me that the presence of troubles does not equal the absence of God.

8. Great Is Thy Faithfulness – Thomas Chisholm

Great is thy faithfulness, Great is thy faithfulness; Morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needed Thy hand hath provided. Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me.

Thomas Chisholm

This is a great song to remember God’s faithfulness, His loving-kindness, and His everlasting mercies. I knew of this hymn for some time but only began to listen to it last year when I was desperately trying to hold on to my faith. Hearing of God’s faithfulness, how He provides for us before we even know we needed it, encouraged me in ways I can’t say. I love the second to the last line, which states, “Strength for today, and bright hope for tomorrow” because that is what God has been to me this season.

9. Surrounded (Fight my battles) – Michael W Smith

It may look like I am surrounded, but I am surrounded by You.

Michael W Smith

In 2 Kings 6:1-23, a king of Syria, sent an army to capture the prophet Elisha for tactical gain. A servant of Elisha looked outside, saw the army, and was afraid. Elisha told the servant not to fear, then Elisha asked God to open the servant’s eyes to see. When the servant looked again, he saw an army of angels surrounding Elisha.

SEE ALSO:  Thankful Through the Tears

I don’t know if this story was the inspiration behind Surrounded, but that’s what I think of when I listen to it. The song has only two lines, but it encourages me tremendously. I see myself as that fearful servant, assuming my obstacles surround me, and I will perish. When in reality,  God surrounds me, and He is much stronger than my obstacles. The song reminds me to have faith like Elisha, and know that God is with me, despite the outlook of my situation.

10. My World Needs You – Kirk Franklin, Sarah Reeves, Tasha Cobbs, Tamela Mann

Storms may come, but when we call your name, all things change. Kingdoms fall one thing forever reigns is your name. The anchor that holds me in my pain stays the same. Oh, how sweet to know that your great name will never change.

Kirk Franklin

O how sweet indeed to know that Jesus’ name will never change, but changes everything! Life is so full of pain, hardships, and storms, but we have an anchor that holds us together, a savior that will come to our rescue. I like to listen to this song as it echoes the contents of my heart. I need Jesus; this whole world needs Him. Sometimes I can’t help being afraid. I can’t escape the despair. I need to see His face and need Him in my situation. His presence changes everything.

11. Thy Will – Hillary Scott

“I know You see me, I know You hear me, Lord. Your plans are for me, goodness You have in store. So, Thy will be done.”

Hillary Scott

The lyrics of this song resonates so well with many believers and me. A lot of times I questioned God, why does He let me go through some things, why doesn’t He intervene and let me feel hurt instead? I thought the plans for my life were better than His.

When listening to this song, I remember to be still, know that He is God, and I am not. I remember that God doesn’t exist to serve me, but I live to serve Him. Just like Jesus did in Gethsemane, I can pray for God to let me out a situation. Nevertheless, His will be done. Just as God, the Father had plans and goodness for Jesus through the cross, so He does for me through my trials.

12. He Turned It – Tye Tribbett

The devil thought he had me, thought that my life was over. He thought by now I’d give up, He thought I had no more. But that’s when someone greater stepped in my situation, my morning now has begun, He turned it!

Tye Tribbett

I love to listen to this song in hard times, even though God hasn’t turned my situation yet. A pastor once said to praise God in your trials for what you believe He will do. I believe God will turn it, and I can worship and thank Him now. My favorite part of the song is the second part, which is very upbeat. It’s my favorite part because it always makes me get up and dance! Praising and dancing to God right in the middle of pain, even as my face was still wet with tears, brought inexpressible joy to my heart. 


I hope some of these songs will encourage you too. What are some of your favorites? Leave them in the comments below.

 Grace and peace you!
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4 months ago

Thank you for sharing… I hope you are in a better place now. He has got this. He has got you.

1 year ago

Chris Rice should be removed. We all know why by now.

Alex Noussi
Alex Noussi
2 years ago

Thanks once more for providing all of these songs. Here is a list of songs for those searching for something to freshen up their playlists. (Artist – Song Title) Riley Clemmons – Godsend Hillary Scott & The Scott Family – Thy Will Leanna Crawford – Truth I’m Standing On Sebastian Demrey & Jimmy Lahaie – Compte Les Bienfaits for KING & COUNTRY, Kirk Franklin, Tori Kelly – TOGETHER Emily Faith – All You Wanted Was Me (the autumn) – In the Stillness Mike Donehey – Better Branan Murphy – Good Baylor Wilson – All The Way Home Christian Singleton –… Read more »

3 years ago

Waymaker by Sinach one of my favorites

3 years ago
4 years ago

Thank you for this list of songs. I’ve added several to my playlist. I so enjoyed them/was encouraged by them and your comments. Suffering is tough…I’m sorry for your pain but grateful for your growth. Best of all..HE is with us. 💕

4 years ago

Thank you so much!! During this quarantine, it is encouraging to know that the LORD is in control and that He will always love us and deliver us through this and other times to come. Lately, I’ve felt like I was forced to read my Bible but now I see how God uses hard times to refine us. I now live and embrace His Word and look to it in times that give me anxiety and doubt.

4 years ago

It gave me hope that God will help me no matter what.

5 years ago

I am very thankful that I came across these!! I am a 16 year old girl who was in foster care and got adopted. My family that I live with now still are doing foster care and adoption and some of the kids we have had for over a year now are going home to their real parents and it makes me really upset. So I have been trying to find some songs and verses that will help me through this really hard time. So thank you again for this, I don’t know what I would have done. You have… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Mary

I’m praying for you. 🙏

5 years ago

I googled “encouraging Christian songs” on a particularly difficult day. This article came up so I listened through the songs. Solid Rock spoke directly to my heart. Thank you so much for compiling and sharing these.

Madeline Twooney
5 years ago

Thanks for this great post! I’ve found some new songs to add to my worship list! I like “Yes, l will” from Vertical Worship and “Be Still” from Hillsong – they really encourage me in dry seasons!

4 years ago
Reply to  Audrey

I looked up encouraging and uplifting songs. Thank you for your list of these wonderful 10 songs. I also love the songs (where amazing happens) by Taranda Greene, and ( The promise) by the Martins. Thank you for the encouraging songs!

3 years ago
Reply to  Audrey

Thank you so much for this post. I’ve been living in fear and I really just want to get out of it and find God’s purpose for my life. These songs really encourage me.

3 years ago

Way maker by Simach one of my favorites


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